Window Cleaning Services for Real Estate Open Houses & Sales
We Clean, You Shine!
Everything is set for your open house... The furniture is staged, carpets are clean, fresh coat of paint on the walls and it's a beautiful day. The sun is shining... BUT, just look at those windows! They're spotted, streaky and diminish everything you've done to get this house ready to sell.

Most successful realtors already know that clean windows - windows so clean that you can actually SEE the sparkle - can make a huge difference in your home's appearance and appeal. Far too often, cleaning the windows is an afterthought. That's why Just Windows Window Cleaning has contracted directly with several top realtors in the St. Louis bi-state region to clean the windows of their listings as a part of their overall sales process. As a Real Esate Agent, you can even use window cleaning perk for closing the deal!
Setting up your Realtor Account with Just Windows Window Cleaning takes less than 5 minutes. You'll get a great rate, a guaranteed cleaning schedule and flexible billing options that work for you. Call us today at 314.574.5878 or complete the Quick Quote form to your right.